The mighty PS2 continues to trim down, after all this time

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After getting wind of this piece of news, I don’t know whether to pat Sony on the back, or make a spectacle of the whole thing. While the PlayStation 3 is still floundering about just trying to find it’s legs after being all undersold and such, little brother PS2 is going through yet another revision for the better. How so? Well for starters, the new Japanese model (not yet announced for the US) otherwise known as SCPH-79000 went on a crash diet.

Considering it already weighed in at a svelte 900 grams I don’t think anyone was poking fun at the poor thing’s thighs. Nonetheless, it decisively dropped the extra 300 or so grams, and is enjoying the 600 gram life. The new PS2 is rumored not to be any smaller than before, but looks can be deceiving anyway — so who cares? Not to be outdone by the console itself, the system’s AC adapter has also dropped from 350 to 250 grams. You can thank slimmed down production costs over time, and a reduction of parts for this amazing feat.

Both console and power supply are reporting to be quite satisfied with their results, and are eager to continue carrying the full load until their big brother can muster enough interest, and let them sail off into the sunset all poetic-like. Does anyone else see the potential for further price cuts here?

[Thanks Michelle, Bitfood, Via IGN]

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