Capcom drops some Resident Evil 5 screens on us, makes us hungry for brains

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Hot on the heels of the brand new, longer Resident Evil 5 trailer, comes some fancy new screenshots, straight from Capcom. Like the trailer, they answer few questions, and do little more than throw us into a tizzy of anticipation.  

Capcom also tells us that the trailer is now available in HD on the Xbox Live Marketplace, and should soon be available for download on the PlayStation Store (if it’s not already).

With the little information we have about this game, now might be the perfect time to start coming up with our own story based on the screens and videos we’ve seen so far. I’ll start:

“Chris Redfield thought he had found the girl of his dreams on MySpace, but his first ‘IRL’ meeting with ‘CandeezHawt4U’ went horribly wrong when…”

OK — your turn! Everyone contribute one sentence to this sordid tale of love and zombie outbreaks; I’ll be sure to pass it along to Capcom once it’s complete. I promise.

About The Author
Nick Chester
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