Weekend Destructainment: Grand Theft Walrus

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I just got back from watching The Simpsons Movie and knew I had to spoil a scene for the gaming crowd. You know, because the trailers didn’t spoil enough of the movie as it is. I don’t want to describe how Homer ends up in a snowy place playing the game (as it’s a major story arc) but I can say that the movie was surprisingly good.  
Welcome to another edition of the exciting Weekend Destructainment. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll scratch your head and go “WTF?!”. Speaking of WTFs, the first video after the jump will cause you to have an 8-bit seizure. The 8-bitness continues with a speed run of Battletoads. Then a three week old episode of Game Slap! More Mega Man antics after that with a nicely done Mega Man live action movie trailer.
Then, video proof of what we all already know; Donkey Kong is a giant idiot. Max Payne shows us his tap dancing skills after that. Then, more crazy Super Mario World level hacks. A sexual themed video of a girl and her lust for the Xbox 360. Finally, the Destructainment ends with the scene from Eurotrip and the fighting robots. 

A crazy 8-bit mash up. There is no real easy way to describe this. Also, Mega Man dies. A lot. Spotted on Snaileb’s C Blog. Speed run of Battletoads. Eh, why not?

Another episode of Game Slap! I think I was a little too critical with the original episode. At least it’s no EG. Mega Man, the live action movie. Not bad for a school project. Spotted on Tron Knott’s C Blog.

Donkey Kong

is a f*cking idiot. Max Payne is a great tap dancer! Spotted on TheBrain’s C Blog.

Super crazy level hacks on Super Mario World. Spotted on Kif’s C Blog. 

A crazy Youtuber plays with her Xbox 360. IN A SEXUAL MANNER.

Random Robot Intermission: The robot fight scene from Eurotrip.

About The Author
Hamza Aziz
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