Well, we knew this was going to happen and yet I’m still moved to a sad shaking of my head at the myopic nature of humanity. Predictably, a black interest Site in the form of Black Looks has jumped on Resident Evil 5 and its foreign setting, getting its digs in early before other self-segregation organizations take a piece of the attention cake. See, because Resident Evil 5 DARES to have black people in it, it is obviously racist, according to one reactionary writer:
The new Resident Evil video game depicts a white man in what appears to be Africa killing Black people. The Black people are supposed to be zombies and the white man’s job is to destroy them and save humanity…
This is problematic on so many levels, including the depiction of Black people as inhuman savages, the killing of Black people by a white man in military clothing, and the fact that this video game is marketed to children and young adults. Start them young… fearing, hating, and destroying Black people.
[Hit the jump for more on this. Thanks to TheGoldenDonut.]
This is just … ridiculous. Ridiculous proof that racism will never go away because certain people, both black and white, refuse to be objective and are unable to see a game set in Africa/India/Brazil without instantly, guiltily or selfishly assuming its all about race and “shooting them thar darkies.” Racism isn’t a one-way street, and it’s attitudes such as the one above that are more “problematic on so many levels,” than a game that has the guts to set itself in a location outside of white America.
Do I even need to tear this person’s pathetic post apart? Not really. It doesn’t take a genius to see that the game isn’t about “destroying black people,” it’s about destroying zombies/ganado who for once happen to be black. It does, however, take a really self-centered, perhaps even racist individual, to see it as “the white man killing MY people,” and this clearly what the writer sees in Capcom’s game. I can pretty much be secure in my assumption that she has never had a problem with the fact that all the enemies save one in Resident Evil 4 were white. Scarcely a black face among them.
The blog about Resident Evil 5 looks like it was written by a straight up racist. She seperates white and black people, distinguishing between them. She ignores the previous games where enemies were mostly white because it doesn’t fit in with her blinkered world view. She accuses what she believes to be non-black games developers of ulterior motives and she writes for a Site that’s all about black interests. Were the roles reversed, she’d be called a bigot and I wish to call her one now. Oh, and I noticed something else that might be worth pointing out — please read her little blog post again. Notice anything in particular? It’s subtle, but it’s there.
That’s right. She capitalizes the word “Black.”
Not “white.”
Bloody racist.