Belt-busting News: Spyro in Wendy’s Kids’ Meals

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Fitting right in line with content like Hamza’s Nerdcore #8 is this news about Vivendi Games promotional partnership with fast food chain Wendy’s.

If you don’t mind loading up your kids with fat (610 calories and 21 grams of fat for a cheeseburger Kids’ Meal), you can score a Sypro the Dragon toy if you visit Wendy’s within the next three or so weeks. 

“After millions and millions of video games sold, it’s great to be able to extend the brand by offering fun toys and games to Wendy’s customers,” said Vivendi label Sierra Entertainment’s global marketing VP Al Simone.

The promotion rings in the release of The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night, and the Kids’ Meal includes a $5 GameStop coupon for that game.

Kids love hamburgers and Spyro (20 million gamers served), so this is a good pairing, but just be sure to make them put down the Spyro games a bit and get outside, our they’ll turn out like us.

[Via Next-Gen — Thanks, Mr. Donut] 

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Dale North
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