Pokemon GO team leaders officially revealed

You can’t switch teams

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[Update: Apparently team changing is not allowed at this time per the official FAQ.]

The official Pokémon GO Twitter revealed the identities of the team leaders, and boy am I happy I chose correctly with Team Valor who has a strong black woman named Candela as its leader.

Meanwhile, Team Mystic has the androgynous Blanche, and the losers on Team Instinct have Spark who might as well be the Tails of the series since clearly Mystic is Sonic and Valor is Knuckles. As we all know Kuckles is the best, just like Valor.

If you picked the wrong team (read: Instinct), don’t fret. You can supposedly switch teams by making a request here, and you too can be woke. sorry, you’re stuck with it.

About The Author
Jed Whitaker
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