Chad Concelmo vs. Chris Kohler … Ready? … FIGHT!

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Actually, I’m just being dramatic. Game|Life’s Kohler was on the other side of the Attack of the Show discussion I just recorded regarding E for All, but we didn’t fight. We just butted heads a little on how we thought the expo went.

Honestly, I agree with a lot of the stuff he said: the show was a little too expensive, there could have been way more to play, and trying to compete with PAX next year (E for All 2008 will be the same weekend as next year’s Seattle-based show) is a very bad decision.

But gosh darnit I had so much fun at the show last week and I know there must be people out there that agree with me. Could it have been cheaper? Yeah. Could there have been more stuff to do? Totally. But it was the show’s first attempt and they really should be commended for trying something that keeps the general public in the spotlight. Besides, I got to hang out with some amazing people and I had FUN! Doesn’t that count for something?

Anyway, you can watch how well I defended Chris’s Shoryukens above. I hope I did okay … if not, be gentle.

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Chad Concelmo
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