Another Pokemon is being added to the arcade version of Pokken Tournament

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You would be forgiven for thinking that Pokkén Tournament was a finished game. No DLC was ever announced for the game and the eventual port to Wii U kind of solidified that the roster was complete. The arcade original launched with eight fighters before getting updates that expanded the roster to 16.

On October 13, we can make that total 17. No information has been given on what the new Pokémon will be, but fans on NeoGAF are speculating. Empoleon or Scizor seem to be the prime suspects, though anything could happen.

The tweet comes from the official Japanese account for Pokkén and is as follows:

That roughly translates to, “The identity of new battle Pokémon will be revealed October 13, Stay Tuned.” Previously, Darkrai was added to the arcade version with no mention of a Wii U update. If anything, I’m going to guess Nintendo is pushing all development towards an NX port of the game instead of trying to update the current release. That would be a little short-sighted, but this is Nintendo we’re talking about.

I also have to wonder why Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee are not in the game. How do you miss out on including a Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee reference in a fighting game?

POKEBOMB: New Pokémon being unveiled for Pokkén Tournament (Arcade ver.) on Oct 13th [NeoGAF]

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Peter Glagowski
Former Dtoid staff member.
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