Overwatch’s Halloween Terror event starts today

I know what I’m playing tonight

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One of the last gaming-related things I saw before going to bed was this image of a Frankenstein’s Monster-esque take on Roadhog, and one of the first bits of info beamed to my eyes this morning is word that the Overwatch Halloween update rolls out today and carries through until November 1.

You’ll log in to find a free loot box, which will hopefully grant you one of these spooky new costumes (I need them all! Especially Ana!), after which point you can continue playing to earn more boxes in a mad dash against time or spend up to 3,000 credits to secure your outfit(s) of choice.

As speculated, there is also a new themed PvE Brawl, Junkenstein’s Revenge, that has four players (Ana, Hanzo, McCree, Soldier: 76) teaming up to protect and defend castle gates.

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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