Firstly, let me just say that I honestly don’t get the great hardship in changing DVDs. People talk as if having something contained on more than one disc will require an infinite and gruelling journey to the console to switch them over halfway through the game. The amount of times that the Sony obsessives have said “lolz enjoy changing discs” as if it’s going to cause somebody cancer is, in a word, laughable. Either way, those that truly feel that swapping a disc is the leading cause of injury and illness will revel in the fact that the Xbox 360’s Lost Odyssey will be sold as not one, not two, not three, but four DVDs.
Of course, Blu-ray would only need one one quarter of a half of a quarter of half a disc to store the game, we all know this, but in DVD form, the sheer amount of CGI and real-time cutscenes contained in Lost Odyssey require a bit more. Another victory for Blu-ray!
In other news, Mistwalker’s Hironobu Sakaguchi has confirmed that the game is due to clock in at around 40-50 hours, something of a J-RPG standard, but certainly nothing to be sniffed at in this age of typically short single player games. Also, the game is being primarily dubbed in English, with Japanese voice acting coming as secondary. Apparently this is Sakaguchi’s way of thanking we in the west who have supported his games over the years. That’s nice of him, even if the game was pushed back to 2008 for the US and Europe.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to purchase a tank to help reduce that long and arduous journey from my seat to my console.