He cares about quality
Mother 4? Not going to happen. Not with Shigesato Itoi, anyway.
“Totally impossible.”
Speaking to Game Watch Impress, as translated by Kotaku, he said, “Among big-time pop stars, if they, you know, put out ten albums, around the fourth album, they can’t make very good songs. The albums sell, but everyone at the concerts wants to hear songs from those first three albums. Everyone.”
While Itoi is best known in the West for his involvement with the Mother / EarthBound series, his storied career extends far beyond the game industry. “I’m glad that video games are not my profession,” he said. “If it was my job, I would’ve already made [Mother] 4 and 5.”
I respect that restraint, but who knows. Maybe Itoi will feel inspired one day and come around.
We still have the upcoming fan-made Mother 4, and it looks groovy. I wanted to write this story with the soundtrack running, but it’s mysteriously gone from SoundCloud. Bummer. The last blog, posted in late October, showed some enemy designs. The team noted it would be quiet over the holiday season and that regular updates would return in 2016.
糸井重里氏降臨! 「MOTHERとほぼ日と糸井重里。」インタビュー [Game Watch Impress]