Everyone dies at the prison (including Jordan)

Uhhh, I plead not guilty!

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[Int. Court of law — Day]

Judge: Mr. Makedonski, how do you explain this despicable act of team killing?

Brett: This isn’t how trials work, your honor.

Judge: It’s my courtroom and I’ll hold you in contempt of court if you question the process again!

Brett: Damn, you’re good, your honor.

Judge: I know. This job’s more than just bangin’ the hammer. Anyway, back to the question.

Brett: Uhh, it was basically a mercy killing! Jordan was going to die anyway.

Judge: You could’ve saved him.

Brett: Yeah, but it was at the prison and I was super jumpy because EVERYONE parachuted into the prison.

Judge: Still not good enough.

Brett: …At least it was funny?

Judge: Hell yeah, IT WAS FUNNY! Good job shooting Jordan right in his stupid fucking face! I’m gonna make you my new bailiff.

Brett: Hell yeah, a judge who says “Hell yeah!”

[Fade out]

In other D-Team news, check out this sweet art of the four of us assing the whole joint up in cartoon form. I like to think it gives some lore on why Jordan won’t wear helmets.

About The Author
Brett Makedonski
While you laughing, we're passing, passing away. So y'all go rest y'all souls, 'Cause I know I'ma meet you up at the crossroads. Y'all know y'all forever got love from them Bone Thugs baby...
More Stories by Brett Makedonski