Desert map for PUBG will be 8×8 km in size

On a horse with no name (maybe it was unknown too?)

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In an interview with Eurogamer at this year’s Gamescom, the player that isn’t known (Brendan Greene) himself confirmed that the size of the upcoming desert map will be 8×8 km in size. The map was originally announced to be 4×4 km in size, for context.

But in the interview Greene gave an update regarding that and had this to say: “For 100 players an 8×8 just makes more sense and it gives more flexibility when we move onto custom games and things like that.”

So it now seems the desert map will be equal in size of the map currently in the game. I’m sure the D-Team will have plenty of misadventures in this new map, sleeping Jeep-goers be damned.

PlayerUnknown confirms desert map will be 8×8 km [Eurogamer]

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Dan Roemer
Contributor / Video Editor - Local video person. I've been enjoying and dabbling in Destructoid since 2014, became staff in 2017, co-hosted Podtoid, and my spirit animal is that of wild garbage. Disclosure: I backed Shenmue 3 on Kickstarter and I'm a current Patreon supporter of Nextlander, NoClip, and Mega64.
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