Is XSEED the best localizer around?

They probably wouldn’t have ran the Mighty No. 9 pizza commercial

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As someone who has been importing since a young age, I’ve been thinking a lot about localizations lately. Between Deep Silver putting out the “unforgivable” pizza commercial for Mighty No. 9, NIS being upfront about changes to Criminal Girls 2, and Nintendo not being upfront at all down to the wire when it comes to Treehouse alterations, there have been a lot of opinions flying around.

But whenever something is announced by XSEED, people usually get excited. Hell, even in announcements from other publishers, readers often say things like “I wish XSEED was handling this.” What I want to know is, are there any localization teams that you really dig?

I’ve always kind of been in the middle. In most cases, the alterations aren’t big enough for me to not play something (usually in the case of Nintendo), especially if the gameplay (which I care about the most) is top-notch. In others, I really wonder what the point of localizing something at all is if a publisher is just going to change the original intent entirely.

In that sense I really like that we’re seeing more subtitled English language releases in Asia, so fans can import if they’d like. But again, I want to know what you think!

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Chris Carter
Managing Editor - Chris has been enjoying Destructoid avidly since 2008. He finally decided to take the next step in January of 2009 blogging on the site. Now, he's staff!
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