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Yes, I’m totally recycling the photo I used from YTMND Thursday. It’s way too epic to not use again.
Anyway, on Destructoid we saw leaked photos and information from the upcoming Street Fighter IV game. On Japanator, Manga is officially dead. On the C-Blogs, BFeld has made all FNF participants lives easier. And on the Forums, the discussion between Digital Distribution vs Physical copies rages on. What made your pants wet this week?
- The latest Grand Theft Auto IV trailer ‘Move up, ladies’ is here
- New info and pictures from Street Fighter IV leaked
- Rumortoid: Dreamcast 2 on the way?
- Destructoid reviews: Ontamarama, Pain.
- Destructoid hands-on: Halo 3 DLC, The Orange Box (PS3), Pirates vs Ninjas Dodgeball, Ninja Reflex (Wii), Turok single player (X360), Turok multiplayer (X360)
- Destructoid contests: Destructoid Holiday Giveaway: Win a $3,000 Velocity Micro gaming PC
- Weekly Cosplay Post: Castlevania Edition
- Ebay and Yahoo! Auction Japan join hands to help international bidders
- Manga is dead! Long live anime!
- Epic Speed Racer Trailer is Epic
- Adult Swim to air Pizza Hut anime robot special, aka Code Geass
- Failcast Teaser: Unofficial Community Podcast — tehuberone
- Destructoid FNF account — BFeld13
- Why I’m “A Weird Kid” — Excremento
- Calendartoid Update: Portal Gift Set (cake not included) — Rockvillian
- MaxVest and NihonTiger90 give some blogging tips.