Captian Obvious helps analysts predict Nintendo dominance for November sales

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The great thing about our favorite superhero, Captain Obvious, is that he is always willing to lend a helping hand when it comes to reporting information to the general public. Hell, he even regularly flies by the Destructoid offices to lend us his powers for our not-really-news posts. Now it seems that he’s assisting videogame analysts, and they now unite bring us the November sales predictions.

We’ll have to wait a few more days for the NPD sales numbers, but videogame analyst Michael Pachter went out on a limb to say that Nintendo will lead hardware sales for the month of November. Here’s his breakdown:

DS – 1,350,000
Wii – 950,000
Xbox 360 – 750,000
PSP – 650,000
PS2 – 485,000
PS3 – 420,000
GBA – 170,000

Pachter thinks that console sales numbers could be about double of those from last December, and he attributes this to recent price cuts and increased Wii availablitly.

He also makes his predictions for top software sales for the month, saying that Super Mario Galaxy, Activision’s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Rock Band, Need for Speed ProStreet, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 and Assassin’s Creed will lead. 

Hit the jump for simExchange’s November predictions. 

DS – 1,300,000
Wii – 1,060,000
Xbox 360 – 728,000
PSP – 468,000
PS3 – 410,000

[Via Gamasutra

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Dale North
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