A November target
According to Master Overwatch, a stat collection site for Overwatch that’s been up since the game’s launch, Symmetra still has the highest winrate in the game on PC, and is in second place behind Torbjorn on consoles. You might think she’s a powerhouse that doesn’t need to be altered, but Blizzard wants to do something about her low 2% (or less) pickrate.
Speaking to Business Insider UK, the game’s director Jeff Kaplan and his team have narrowed it down to one issue — people pick Symmetra to defend the first point, and then subsequently choose someone else. A rework of sorts, slated for November, will try to incentive players to keep her in the running. We could possibly even see a re-categorization for her, which is somewhere in the middle of a support and defensive role.
I’m okay with the idea of niche characters that require a little more finesse (and I think she’s just fine now), so I’m curious to see how they handle Symmetra. It makes sense that they’re trying to give her more public play, and Kaplan was visibly wrestling with the idea when I talked to him prior to the launch of the game.
Changes to the least-used character in ‘Overwatch’ could be coming as soon as November [Business Insider UK]