Fox News says that EA was invited onto the show but no one responded

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Looks like the Mass Effect vs. Fox News controversy won’t be ending anytime soon folks. We informed you the other day that EA had contacted Fox in regards to the horrendous piece on Mass Effect in an attempt to fix the complete lies Fox so proudly stated. Thanks to MTVMultiplayer, a Fox News spokesperson has stated that they actually had invited someone from EA to discuss Mass Effect on the segment:

“Fox News Channel has extended several invitations to EA through a company representative to appear on ‘Live Desk With Martha MacCallum’ to discuss ‘Mass Effect’ and the segment which aired on Monday. We have received no response.”

If this turns out to be true, would it have even mattered? We all saw what happened in that room. Geoff barely got to speak and only the “experts” stating their “facts” were given most of the opportunity to speak. Regardless of that, EA didn’t ask to go on the show. They want corrections and an apology for the gross lies that Fox ran as facts.

Oh, and if you’re wondering, the picture is a screenshot from Fox’s sex column. Why yes everybody, the Fox News Web site has a weekly column dedicated to sex. It’s even called the Sexpert! Isn’t it clever? The site, by the way, has no age gate so a child can easily read up on sexual activities on a news site. Where’s the outrage there, Fox? Also, Fox really loves to mash words up. SeXbox? Sexpert? Sexa please.

[Via ShackNews — Thanks to TheStripe for the tip and thanks to the C-Blogger that inspired the idea for the image.] 

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Hamza Aziz
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