Game Debate to the Death! What’s the game you’ve spent the most hours on?

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Our last debate was a month ago, and I asked everyone to list their three most anticipated games of 2008. It took me forever to sort through the 500+ votes that were cast, but it was quite an interesting wall of text to read. Out of the 85 different games voted for, lots of the less popular games were mentioned more than once, but here are the games that managed to gather at least double digit point scores:

  • 1st: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (145 points)
  • 2nd: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (130 points)
  • 3rd: Grand Theft Auto IV (100 points)
  • 4th: LittleBigPlanet (58 points)
  • 5th: Spore (34 points)
  • 6th: Fallout 3 (33 points)
  • 7th: Starcraft II (28 points)
  • 8th: No More Heroes (27 points)
  • 9th: (Tie) Ninja Gaiden II & Left 4 Dead (19 points)
  • 10th: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (16 points)
  • 11th: (Tie) Fable 2 & Resident Evil 5 (13 points)
  • 12th: (Tie) Final Fantasy XIII & Devil May Cry 4 (12 points)
  • 13th: Street Fighter IV (11 points)
  • 14th: (Tie) Ghostbusters & Too Human & Castle Crashers (10 points)

The huge list above should be a good indicator that 2008 has plenty of great games left to look forward to. For this week’s debate though, we cast our sights back on the past. It’s not so much a debate as it is a nostalgic unison of “thank yous” dedicated to the gaming industry that has given us countless hours of joy.

For this week’s debate I want to know which one game has eaten up more hours of your life than any other game ever has. The type of game where you don’t measure gameplay in hours, but in full days or weeks, or even years. Is it the FPS you and your friends played all Summer long throughout your childhood? Or that handheld game you played on every back-seat family vacation? Or maybe it’s that MMORPG that made you flunk out and repeat a year of school? Or is there a single player game that you’ve never grown tired of, and have ritually played it every year for the past decade?

Which game have you played the most, and why? Fill us in on your obsession with that game, get some friends to share their gaming obsessions with us, and check back next week for the winner.

Bonus: What game do you predict will win this week’s debate?

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
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