Take a look around you. It’s fairly likely that somewhere within your immediate reach are two things: a video game and a Nerf gun. Now what if someone combined the two, providing the opportunity to feel the sweet, sweet, plastic click of a Nerf gun while blasting fools on your Wii. Could you resist? Would you resist? I submit that you would not.
It seems that deep within the bowels of EA’s most recent financial report is news of a possible Nerf gun peripheral for the Wii. Now, were this simply a Nerf styled, non-firing addition I’d still be entranced, as it bears the look of the sci-fi weaponry we all secretly long for. Thankfully, EA and Hasbro, in their infinite wisdom appear to have made the peripheral functional as both a Nerf gun and a Wiimote add-on via what appears to be a removable chamber.
Considering EA’s announcement regarding their plan to release a line of Hasbro games (including the Nerf-centric N-Strike) the likelihood of this peripheral actually being released seems fairly high. I wonder what the pundits will have to say when children are playing violent games with a toy they’ve long since deemed as innocuous.
[Via Siliconera — Thanks, Adam]