Nerd wins at sweetness, proposes using a hacked version of Bejeweled

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Despite popular opinion that dorks are always loners that fester in front of their computers playing WoW and not showering, they do sometimes fall in love and actually get married. In some cases, in fact, all those geeky skills can be used for great results, such as this marriage proposal in which a guy proposed to his girlfriend by homebrewing a copy of Bejeweled (from scratch!) and having a ring drop onto the screen to ask for her hand.

Somehow this makes me feel that my fantasy of having a three-tiered wedding cake in the shape of Midgar feel a little trite. At any rate, she said yes (what kind of properly geeky girl would say no to that?) Cheers to Bernie for raising the romance bar using homebrew. This ought to buzz up some talk about honorable mention of innovative usage!

[Via Wired— thanks, Justin]

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Colette Bennett
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