Borderlands 3 is a safe bet for PAX East

Reveal teased for March 28

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Gearbox Software has acknowledged that its PAX East 2019 panel is an opportune time to lift the lid on Borderlands 3 once and for all. The studio shared some rather unsubtle teaser art earlier today.

I mean, they used the eyes. You don’t use the eyes for nothing.

Previously, Gearbox said its PAX panel would revolve around “never-before-seen reveals, exclusives, and surprises.” Some of you joked about it being Battleborn 2. We all had a nervous chuckle.

If you’re curious what an all-new Borderlands game would even look like in 2019, check back on Thursday, March 28. The hour-long panel is scheduled for 2:00pm Pacific. Among other news, there’s a decent chance we’ll hear about Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition for PS4 and Xbox One.

Update: Gearbox has issued a second PAX teaser, this time for “another game.”

Update 2: And now there’s this distorted Borderlands 2 screenshot (???).

This is shaping up to be an eventful panel.

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Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.
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