SNK’s proto-Metal Slug returns
This week, retro-fans Hamster have pulled up another old-school arcade title and primed it for re-release on multiple platforms. But this week sees a particularly obscure release from the house of SNK, as Cyber-Lip is made available on PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
Released in the arcades and on the Neo Geo format way back in 1990, Cyber-Lip is a fast-paced run ‘n’ gun title and a precursor of sorts to SNK’s popular Metal Slug series, as two heroes blast through a series of enemy-filled stages, letting rip in eight directions on all and sundry.
Also taking cues from Contra, Cyber-Lip features weird, horrific, and mutated bosses and an apocalyptic environment, as a powerful A.I had gained sentience and run amok, turning the planet into a warzone. I never put any time into this, so I have no personal opinion of it, but from videos it basically looks like it wasn’t as good as Contra, and was superseded by Metal Slug, but it might provide a few hours fun from a curio standpoint.
Cyber-Lip is available now on PS4 in Japan, and on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch worldwide.