Bionic Commando Rearmed soundtrack available for purchase

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We’ve been keeping an ear out for the Bionic Commando Rearmed music, as we knew that this update is getting a new sound to match its new looks. Now Capcom sends word that the soundtrack is now available for purchase.

Send Simon Viklund’s work right to your earholes for $.99 a song, available at either Sumthing Digital or iTunes (this link will open iTunes). Both carry the full album for $9.99, but for some reason only 13 of the 15 tracks are available on Sumthing Digital. 

“I know that once something hits the net it can be pirated very easily but I hope you can see the amount of time and money we have put forth to make this a reality,” says Capcom’s Benn Judd.

“We are charging 99 cents per song of which we usually make about 60% or so. That’s 60 cents. Additionally there are server management fees, the internal staff hours it took to get the contract up and running, and of course a license fee to create the initial contract. All in all, it probably costs us around 10K just to get the product up and running. We would need to sell 15,000 songs to break even and when it comes to game soundtracks that just isn’t a number that you can easily hit.”

I know from experience that selling music these days is quite difficult, and it’s even more difficult when it comes to game music and soundtracks. Hats off to Capcom for putting this out there. If it’s something you dig, please pick up a track or two. Or a full CD. This is something we want to support!

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Dale North
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