Ubidays 08: Teaser for Beyond Good & Evil 2 is … is … *head explodes*

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Since I am shaking uncontrollably from excitement, I will spare you the typos and overdramatic exclamations. Let me just say that Ubisoft just showed a teaser for the now official Beyond Good & Evil 2 at its Ubidays event and nothing has ever made me happier in my entire life. I feel like I just had a child. A really good-looking, awesome child.

Rumor has it the footage – showing an unbelievably gorgeous Jade and Pey’j stranded in the middle of a vast desert – is running in the game’s engine. If this is true, I think I may die. Once more details of the surprise sequel are revealed, we here at Destructoid will, of course, keep you updated.

Oh, and if you’re curious, I just had a heart attack.

Tell my family I love them …

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Chad Concelmo
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