I must say, I love Peter Moore’s blog. The frank and good-natured head of EA Sports always comes up with some great observations about current events in the world of sports, and then he goes on to discuss sports videogames. The blog has only been around for a few short months, but it’s become a great avenue of communication between Moore and EA Sports’ fans (and haters).
In his most recent post, entitled “Not Resting on our Laurels,” Moore talked about the NBA Finals and how he’s been “captivated” by them. Then he used playoff pressure as an analogy to working at EA:
As any business does, we’ve been completing our annual performance reviews the past few weeks as well as setting objectives and strategic priorities for the year ahead. I find sports always serve as a great metaphor, and so as I was watching the game last night and reviewing our upcoming plans, I thought about what it takes to be on top, to stay on top and to constantly be in the crosshairs of the rest of your industry.
He then listed the impressive statistics associated with 2007’s EA Sports titles. For example, NHL 08 attained near-universal acclaim, garnering sports game of the year awards from seven publications. Afterwards, he affirmed that the people at EA read consumer feedback (in forums and on Moore’s blog, for example) and take it into account. His next claim was to say that “the future couldn’t be brighter for two of our most critically acclaimed products from a year ago – FIFA and NHL.”
Finally, he offered up his body as collateral for the performance of EA Sports’ 2008 releases:
We’re hitting this season in terms of quality and innovation stronger than we ever have at EA SPORTS. If I’m wrong, you’ll see me sporting a new tattoo – maybe a competitor’s logo?
Perhaps a 2K Sports logo would go where his Grand Theft Auto tattoo used to be…?
[Via Peter Moore Blog by way of Next Generation — thanks, Brian!]