Silent Hill V is looking more gorgeously detailed than ever, and we finally have some new screenshots to prove it (not the same old ones that everyone keeps mistaking for new, either!) Of course, your general non-Silent Hill fan may glance at them and say, “That’s just a bunch of pics of a guy running around in the dark with a gun.” I’ll tell you now, you’re absolutely right. However, for a Silent Hill fan, that image is the equivalent of bread given to a starving man (or a fingerbanging session to one Mr. Chad Concelmo.)
While the look of the game doesn’t indicate if it will play as a fulfilling experience or not, I’m pleased to see a world I’m interested in interacting in. As soon as we hear more details you’ll see them here, likely posted by me inbetween fits of joyfully incoherent swearing.
[Via — thanks, Justin]