It’s been the better part of a year since we first read EA’s announcement that they were working on a game called Mirror’s Edge, and since that time, new information on the title has been slow in coming. What we do know, is that the game’s supposed utopian city revolves around the concept of citizens relinquishing their personal freedom in exchange for what amounts to a facade — all is not so sterile and clean beneath the surface. To quote one of our tags below, “Big Brother is gonna get you!”
At the core of this first-person-action game is movement, so if senior producer Owen O’Brien’s description sounds like Assassin’s Creed, it’s done purposely:
“The first thing we wanted to look at was just getting the feeling of movement and momentum, so walking, jogging and running — very simple things, but things that haven’t really been done well in first-person shooters. You don’t even have a gun – instead you’re told to concentrate on moving quickly, maintaining momentum through tricky environments, much as we did during the freer-flowing parts of Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed.
Controls are deliberately simple: movement and view-adjustment on the analogue sticks, and then context-sensitive “up” and “down” functions on a pair of buttons (presumably the triggers – did we mention it was dark?). “Up” can be jumping, climbing, wall-running, vaulting, or grabbing hold of something above you, like a zip-line, while “down” can be used to perform a power-slide under a low object, or to break your fall with a parachute roll.”
As you can see by these new screenshots, Mirror’s Edge is shaping up to be an eye pleaser. It certainly looks like its namesake, and has piqued the interest of at least one Destructoid editor. Mirror’s Edge is still without a firm release date, but we’ll be relaying new information about the game as we acquire it.
[Via Eurogamer — Thanks, Adam!]