By now you may have obtained your very own copy of the Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition, but Guinness is still busy celebrating. At least, they were busy yesterday in London, where over 80 cosplayers gathered at the Millenium Bridge to commemorate the launch of the book. They set their own record, in fact, by assembling the largest gathering of game-related characters in one place, which Guinness busily documented for what will hopefully be the 2009 Gamer’s Edition.
I have to say this would have been a really cool event to be present at, just to see so many enthusiasts together at one time. Hit the jump to see a larger photo of the full group and see if you can name everyone. The twenty-four Marios cut down on the variety of characters a little more than I’d like, but regardless there’s still plenty of familiar faces that you’ll be happy to see.
[Via MTV Multiplayer blog – Thanks, Justin]