Who are these guys in this G4 video?

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Before today, I only thought that two men were truly beautiful. David Bowie has this special kind of charm to him, even though his face has been rapidly deteriorating as of late. The other guy, Daniel Craig, still looks like a million dollars. Even in videogame form. But the second guy in this video really takes the cake. Man, what I wouldn’t pay to touch his beautiful, supple hands.

Kidding aside, the video features our very own Nick Chester and Anthony Burch in an interview with G4 correspondent, Marc Saltzman. Anthony obviously didn’t dig E3 too much, and Nick sure seems tired, doesn’t he?

What do you guys think about the comments in the video? I think Nick went a little light on Nintendo, but he’s a beautiful man, and also my boss. Nick is always right.

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Brad BradNicholson
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