Hot deal is hot: Pre-order Ninja Gaiden II, get Halo 3 Legendary Map pack free

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Good morning, fellow penny pinchers! While I know a lot of you steadfastly refuse to pre-order videogames (the man is evil, I can just buy it when it comes out, you suck, etc.), Circuit City has an offer I’m sure some of you can’t refuse.

If you pre-order Ninja Gaiden II, Circuit City will email you a code for the Halo 3 “Legendary Map Pack.” The pack contains three maps, and is an 800 MS Point value, or $10 in human money. Of course, if you just want to spend the dough, the Halo 3 map pack (along with a free theme) is available today on Xbox LIVE Marketplace. 

For those on the fence about Ninja Gaiden II, it’s a pretty safe bet to say that if you’re a fan of the original game, you’ll feel right at home here. I’ve been playing a preview build for the past few days and everything that made the original great is still here: intense action, fierce difficulty, wild weapons and ninpo, and an obnoxious camera. Wait, that last one didn’t make the game great, but it’s back anyway (at least in the preview build). Keep your eyes peeled for my full impressions and details later this week.

[Thanks, Sean!] 

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Nick Chester
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