Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin’s triumphant return…at GameTrailers!

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After a month or so of keeping our fans (both of them) in suspense, I’m more than pleased to announce…


We’re now being hosted at GameTrailers, and you can see the newest and Braid-est episode here.

Though you might initially scoff at having to go to a different Web site to fulfill your trimonthly dose of Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin, know this: our videos, supported by the Herculean servers at GameTrailers, are now being shown in full HD. Every pockmark, every inch of stubble, and every creepily bugged-out Ashly stare will henceforth be available in eye-popping high definition.

HAWP is back, and more highly defined than ever.

Tell your friends.

About The Author
Anthony Burch
More Stories by Anthony Burch