Viva Pinata 2 treasure hunt shenanigans and Web site launch

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To promote the worldwide release of Viva Piñata 2: Trouble in Paradise, Rare is doing a few things for the community this week which should interest all those obsessed with brightly colored, candy-filled sentient horses. Firstly, the official community Web site is going to launch at midnight tonight, and people will be able to use it to upload and share Viva Piñata Vision Cards along with photos of their Piñata gardens.

Xbox Live’s European community spokesman, Graeme “AceyBongos” Boyd will be helping promote the game by holding a VP treasure hunt on this Friday. The concept is as simple as Downe’s Syndrome baby:

  1. Users look for the Piñata egg icon hidden around
  2. When they mouse over the little Piñata pops out
  3. When they click they open up a PDF doc featuring an exclusive Piñata card that they can then print out
  4. They use their LIVE vision camera on screen or on their print out to get the Piñata.

Fun times all round. Viva Piñata 2: Trouble in Paradise is out today in North America and hits Europe on Friday. It has animals in it!

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James Stephanie Sterling
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