While we’d love for Double Fine to be quietly working on a sequel to Psychonauts, that doesn’t look like it’s happening any time soon. But even having their hands full with Brutal Legend, Psychonauts is not forgotten.
“Psycho-pedia,” an online compendium of all things Psychonauts related has launched in a pre-release phase over at Double Fine’s official Web site. It looks like it will be home to all things Psychonauts related, including game information, fan artwork, and more. It’s a work in progress, but there’s already some great stuff there, including a bunch of killer concept art.
In case you’re wondering, this is what Double Fine was teasing back in October when everyone jumped to “sequel” conclusions. No, this isn’t quite what we had in mind, but it’ll do while we wait. We are waiting, right?
[Thanks, Shaun!]