Party with Capcom, Chris Redfield, Chun Li, and Nathan Spencer in Vegas

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Holy hell — it’s New Year’s Eve already! And next week is CES, which takes place in Las Vegas from January 8 to January 12, and we’ll be there to cover any gaming related news and events.

Capcom will be on hand as well, showing off new levels of Resident Evil 5, Bionic Commando, Dark Void, Street Fighter IV and more. If you didn’t know, the folks from Capcom like to party (strictly business-related, of course), so it’s not surprising that they’re throwing a big shindig at Planet Hollywood on Friday night. Food, drinks … a guy with a chainsaw!

You won’t be able to just show up, though — this is private event. We tricked Capcom into thinking we’re cool and important, so we’re already on the list … and you can be, too. Capcom is opening up the event to at least 25 additional guests, and if you’re at least 21 and will be in the area next week, one of them could be you. 

If you’re interested, hit up Capcom for details, and start boning up on your Street Fighter skills. My Rufus is fierce*.

* Not really.

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Nick Chester
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