We’ve all heard the cliché about how video games are a waste of time. Some of you may even agree with that to a certain extent. But Starfield has recently bucked that trend by helping save someone’s life. Reddit user tidyckilla posted an image to the Starfield sub, which shows a nighttime fire in a residential area. The story attached to this photograph credits the Bethesda release with saving them from succumbing to the flames, as they were busy playing the game when they would have otherwise been sleeping soundly.
Starfield saved me and my family’s life
byu/tidyckilla inStarfield
The post goes on to say that they were up late at night on September 1, having bought the Premium Edition of Starfield. At around 2:26am, they heard an explosion coming from their downstairs neighbor’s apartment. Given that the user was up already, they were able to usher their family out of the now-burning building to safety.
For all of us who continue to make the most of the night period in order to get some serious gaming in, this vindicates all those years spent ignoring a healthy amount of sleep.