Today, we received a furious email from an incensed Animal Crossing fan, absolutely horrified by the fact that a new update to the game has censored “bad” words. For Christina and her friend, there was no greater joy than making Animal Crossing characters say depraved and nasty things. Unfortunately, their innocent fun has been stamped out by those Nazis at Nintendo. Won’t somebody think of the children?
Here’s what Christina had to say:
Animal crossing santized EVEN MORE
My roommate and I are animal crossing addicts!
We are adults, and as such take delight in making our little innocent animals say nasty things. At this point most of the animals in our town had the catch phrase “sex fiend.”.. up until last night’s system update. Now everyone who had a catch phrase containing a “bad” word has had their phrase switched to “!!!!!!!!!!!!” That’s right, now everyone in town is spewing exclamation points at us.
I love nintendo to bits but this is just wrong. We are ADULTS who purchased a game to play in our own home.
Unbelievable. Nintendo simply didn’t think about those poor animals who have now been silenced by the fascists in control. We all of us have a right to force anthropomorphized animals to call us sex fiends, and to deny us that is to violate everything we fought Hitler and Ganondorf for.
Destructoid asks: Where does it end? Will we soon be banned from calling ourselves “POO” and “ASS” on arcade machines? Will we be thrown in the stocks for drawing comedy penises and mustaches between the legs of women in magazines? Will the so-called President Obama bring back hanging for people who make fart noises when someone bends over to pick something up?
Nintendo has set a terrifying new precedent with this insane abuse of power. We have only fear for the future of free speech.