Which operating system should I choose in Cyberpunk 2077?

The right operating system will make your build come online.

The operating system is really the icing on the cake of a Cyberpunk 2077 build. We all know the icing is the best part. There are three different options that you can slot into your operating system spot. Each fits into its own range of builds, and any one of them can take the right street thug and transform them into a professional killing machine. Sandevistans slow time. Cyberdecks turn on quickhacks. Berserks turn you into a violent brick wall. Knowing which one suits your character best is half the battle. 

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If you want to become David from Edgerunners, then this is the operating system for you. The Sandevistan is a piece of military-grade chrome that’s going to let you stomp your enemies to bits before they even have time to react. When you activate your Sandevistan implant, your reflexes will sharpen so much that time will appear to slow down around you. You’ll get to shoot, stab, and run through your enemies while they stand frozen in place. 

Most Sandeivstans remain active for 8 seconds. That might not sound like much, but even a tier 2 Dynalar implant will slow time by 50%. If you manage to find a real preem piece like Militech’s “Apogee,” you’ll see time slow down by 85% and get a huge bonus to your crit hits and headshots. There’s no better way to quickly dish out damage. 

Screenshot via Netflix


Here’s the top choice for fans of Lucy from Edgerunners. Installing a Cyberdeck as your operating system is going to put the wonderful world of quickhacks at your disposal. The flashiest hacks will shut down cyberware, light enemies on fire, and spread viruses through entire groups of gang members. Quickhacks have more utility than that, though. You can waltz through a locked up base by shutting down turrets and taking control of cameras. You can also stop an armored car dead in its tracks and force it to explode. 

Put all the points you want into Intelligence and its related perks. None of that RAM is any good to you without a decent cyberdeck. The best decks come with their own pre-installed hacks and do a ton to boost your damage and RAM recovery. With a good enough deck, even the best Arasaka runner won’t be able to go toe-to-toe with you. 

Monowires not included. 

Screenshot via Destructoid


For simple chooms who enjoy simple pleasures, the Berserk operating system is the way to go. Sure you won’t be stopping time or hacking the net like some corpo pro, but you will be ripping your enemies apart limb by limb while bullets bounce off you. A Berserk system will pump you so full of adrenaline and other chemicals that you literally stop taking damage. All that extra juice can also boost your stamina, make you hit harder, and help you to crit more often. If you can picture yourself jumping from a rooftop to hit a group of VooDoo Boys with a brutal shockwave before bashing their brains in with a baseball bat, then the Berserk is for you. 

The weakest Berserk systems will keep you holding onto life at 25% health no matter what gets thrown at you. The best won’t let you take any damage whatsoever. You’ll be laughing in the face of your foes as they run scared from Night City’s very own walking tank.

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Gabran Gray
Contributing Writer - Gabran has been an avid gamer since he was old enough to manipulate a keyboard and mouse. He's been writing professionally and covering all things video games since 2021.
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