Streaming web series Silent Hill: Ascension premieres tonight

The free interactive Silent Hill streaming series is about to begin

Silent Hill Ascension: a red figure can be seen reflected on the ground.

The Silent Hill brand is about to venture into the territory of interactive entertainment. Tonight, Halloween night, Genvid Entertainment and Konami join forces to invite fans and newcomers alike to enter the world of Silent Hill: Ascension.

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What is Silent Hill Ascension?

Ascension is not a game per se, but rather a web series featuring a completely new story and cast of characters set in the infamous town.

You can just watch the series for free if you’d like, but you — and the rest of the community — can pay to try and directly influence the evolution of the new Silent Hill canon.

Image by Konami

To have influence over Ascension, you’ll need IP. That’s short for Influence Points. You can get some IP for free by completing daily puzzles, such as a rhythm game where you play the songs of Silent Hill, but you naturally stand to earn way more points by paying actual money.

The best way to earn IP is the Founder’s Pack. It costs you $19,99 and includes a season pass that will allow players to unlock all sorts of cosmetics that they can try to get their characters to wear in the series.

Ascension will run over the course of 16 weeks, during which the community will get to decide what happens to its characters and to the world of Silent Hill.

The premiere will be about 45 minutes long. From then on, each night will bring a new episode that will last from 5 to 15 minutes.

People who’ve purchased the Founder’s Pack will get to replay the series with the option to find out different possible outcomes.

Image by Konami

How to watch Silent Hill: Ascension?

You can either watch Silent Hill: Ascension via the website or via its app that you can get for either Android or iOS.

Genvid will debut the series premiere of Silent Hill: Ascencion tonight at 9 pm ET / 6 pm PT on, the App Store, and Google Play.

If you’re too hyped to wait that long, then you can check out Greg Miller of Kinda Funny hosting the premiere Pre-Show at 7:30 pm ET / 4:30 pm PT on as well as on Kinda Funny’s YouTube and Twitch channels.

About The Author
Tiago Manuel
Tiago is a freelancer who used to write about video games, cults, and video game cults. He now writes for Destructoid in an attempt to find himself on the winning side when the robot uprising comes.
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