ESA celebrates the Pirate Bay convictions

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You must surely be aware by now that the founders of popular file-sharing site The Pirate Bay have recently been convicted of breaking copyright law and are due to be imprisoned for one year. Frederik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Carl Lundstrom and Peter Sunde are now officially criminals while the ESA comes out to celebrate their demise

Piracy is the single greatest threat to the development and release of innovative and creative entertainment software that consumers demand and enjoy,” claims a spokesman. “It’s a job killer in an economy that needs millions more jobs, not less. This decision confirms that the harm being inflicted on creators of digital works by BitTorrent sites like The Pirate Bay will not be tolerated, and that such actions are subject to criminal sanctions.”

I’m not going to state an opinion on whether or not the court did the right thing in sending these people to jail. However, sending people to jail for starting a file-sharing site isn’t something I’d want to celebrate, not when prisons are already pretty crowded worldwide and that space could have gone to a murderer or a rapist or something. Using Swedish tax money to needlessly pay for the jail time is not something I think we should crack open the champagne for, either. 

Not least for the fact that, as far as I know, The Pirate Bay is still up and running, doing its thing. This conviction proved nothing, despite what the ESA says. All it really showed was that no matter what strongarm tactics and legal wrangling gets done, file-sharing will never stop. The ESA needs to embrace that fact, or it risks a self-authored demise. 

The ESA is repeating the mistakes of history. Just as MP3s turned record labels into lumbering dinosaurs, hurtling toward their doom, so too will videogame publishers suffer the same fate. That is, unless they stop vilifying their customers and work to use file-sharing to their advantage, rather than use bullying as a way to get their point across. Applauding a jail sentence that many game consumers find unjust is not a way to win people over to your side.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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