Cursed Mountain official website launches, scares me proper

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You already know how I feel about survival horror games if you’ve read Destructoid or listened to RetroforceGo! for any period of time, so I won’t gush all over again about how much I love to turn the lights out and get scared by a game, but I can tell you that Cursed Mountain is high on my list of releases that I’m excited for this year. Deep Silver announced today that the official website for the game is open, and from the looks of it I have even more to be excited for than I previously imagined.

The main page shows the mountain, with locations such as village, glacier, monastary and summit highlighted. You can’t click into these just yet, but you can check out the Sherpa Journal which reports your character’s arrival at Mount Chomolonzo or investigate a rucksack which contains goodies such as wallpapers and screenshots (see gallery) and allows you to listen to some of the game’s creepy music (you can download the songs too!).

Cursed Mountain comes out for the Wii sometime this year. I hope it’s sooner rather than later, because I’m dying to get my hands on it.

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Colette Bennett
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