A couple of days ago we pointed you to some No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle scans from Famitsu, and now they have some new screenshots online. In the screens in our gallery below, you’ll see that Travis has two swords. Famitsu also says that he has a new dash attack move and and some kind of wrestling finisher move. Sylvia is still hot, and the crazy-looking Nathan Copland and his boom box arms still look something that could only come out of Japan.
“This isn’t a battle anymore, says Travis in the trailer, “It’s a motherf*cking war!” This trailer is over the top and includes masked wrestlers, crotch shots, afro babes, blushing girls, and explosions. The game play looks tighter and the graphics look much better than the last game. This looks like everything I’ve hoped for in a sequel. Rock the f*ck on, Suda 51.
What do you think of these screens and footage?