THQ has announced that a downloadable content pack for Saint’s Row 2, called “Corporate Warfare” will be released on May 28 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
The content will feature a new story arc that revolves around a civil war within the Ultor Corporation. It also promises to reveal the whereabouts of a “long-lost” 3rd Street Saint, Dex. As you’d expect, the content will also feature new vehicles, customization options, multiplayer maps, and achievements. All of that for just $7.00 (or 560 MS Points for Xbox 360).
The last content pack, “Ultor Exposed,” was a bit on the short side — Conrad and I were able to complete all of the story stuff in under a few hours. As for the multiplayer maps, we weren’t able to find any games, as we’re pretty sure everyone was playing Call of Duty 4 or Gears of War 2 instead.
Still, Saint’s Row 2 is undeniably fun, and we had a blast with what was included. Was it worth the price of admission? Not so sure. Even if it does lack the addition of another adult film star (Tera Patrick was a character in the “Ultor Exposed” DLC), maybe “Corporate Warfare” will make up for it with a bit more substance.
Published: May 20, 2009 01:00 pm