Metal Gear Solid 4 among six new PS3 ‘Greatest Hits’ titles

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This morning, Sony has announced a new batch of “Greatest Hits” titles that will be hitting retail on June 16. Because these releases are hitting shelves after E3, we predict that at least five or ten minutes will be spent talking about them at their press conference next week, and we are thrilled.  

But let’s get it out of the way right now, shall we? The six titles worthy of “Greatest Hits” status are: Army of Two, Battlefield: Bad Company, Devil May Cry 4, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, and Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction.

According to Sony Computer Entertainment’s Vice President of Product Marketing, Scott A. Steinberg, these titles “have reached a significant sales threshold.” This means they’ll have to sell them for $29.99, because everyone who really wanted them was willing to shell out of the $59.99. It also means you’ll be able to get some great games, at a great price.

See anything you passed on at the higher price point, but are willing to pick up as a “Greatest Hit”?

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Nick Chester
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