Got $300? You can have the voice of Duke Nukem

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Jon St. John, the voice actor who portrays Duke Nukem, works on the cheap. How cheap is cheap? The actor has agreed to record “most” of Zoey’s dialogue from Left 4 Dead for a fan-made mod for the princely sum of $300. The designer of the mod is soliciting donations in order to make it happen. If he exceeds the amount required for those lines, they’ll continue on with some of Francis’ witty remarks.

I really want to joke about how destitute St. John must be, how desperately he needs work, but I can’t do it. According to the forum post where the designer announced the idea, the actor really only charges his fee of $50 per 30 seconds of audio because he doesn’t want to have to read every bit of written language on Earth in the voice of the bubblegum chewing badass. Seems only fair — he no doubt has other things he’d rather be doing — and it’s really cool that he’s willing to give something to the gamers who have already enjoyed his work so far.

Of course, if he’s willing to do stuff like this for such an affordable rate, I can’t help but think there are some other games that could benefit from having ol’ Duke in them. If we aren’t going to get Duke Nukem Forever, we might as well get some of him somewhere.

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Conrad Zimmerman
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