E3 09: What press conference did you like best?

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Well, the three big conferences are finally over and now we have some time to reflect on what went down. Microsoft kicked it off and blew people’s minds with Project Natal, Halo Reach, Final Fantasy XIII and more, Nintendo introduced a stunning-looking new Metroid title AND Super Mario Galaxy 2, and Sony thrilled audiences with The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy XIV and tons more. All in all, it was a pretty incredible showing, and we can’t wait to get our hands on these games!

It’s easy to say one press conference or another “won” as the best, but we have another question for you: which press conference spoke most directly to you as a gamer and gave you what you wanted. For me personally it was Sony, as I’ve wanted a new Team ICO game more than anything in the world and that’s exactly what I got, but I loved all the conferences. Weigh in and tell us which one resonated with you the most!

About The Author
Colette Bennett
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