Nintendo makes your WiiWare download decision difficult this week by dropping not one or two, but three WiiWare titles.
Xseed’s Drill Sergeant Mindstrong (1-4 players, 800 Wii Points), YUKES’ NEVES Plus (1-4 players, 600 Wii Points), and Aksys Games’ Family Mini Golf (1-4 players, 500 Wii Points) are all available today. One title is a curious little boot-camp mini-game-fest; another is exactly what it sounds like; and one an updated version of a most excellent DS puzzle game. If you can figure out which one is which, we’re positive you’ll spend your money wisely.
Another DSiWare Art Style game, Art Style: BOXLIFE (1 player, 500 DSiPoints), is also available today. The game’s mechanic is based around cutting paper, and has you creating different patterns to “climb the corporate ladder.” And here I was thinking my job as a videogame writer/blogger sounded stupid. Regardless of the curious premise, the Art Style games have consistently delivered awesome gaming experiences for very little dough; BOXLIFE looks no different.
Taking it old school, SimEarth: The Living Planet (1 player, 800 Wii Points) comes to the Virtual Console. When we say “old school,” we’re not kidding around – the TurboGrafx16 CD-ROM title has you holding the hand of a growing planet, guiding the path of evolution. So we’re not talking about DJ Kool Herc as much as we are pre-civilization Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. Son.