It’s a fact: Avatars can’t sweat. But don’t let that stop you from pretending that your little Microsoft persona needs better equipment for warm weather days. Yesterday afternoon, Major Nelson blew the lid off the hotly anticipated Avatar summer weather line. Rashguards, swim trunks, surfer hot pants and surfer dress are all confirmed and look idiotic on Avatars’ bodies.
If you don’t believe me, take a gander at the header image. That’s my Avatar equipped with the new “White Vest” item. He looks like an extra for The Machinist.
The full list of new stuff is available beyond the fold. As usual, the clothing options are free and can be found in the clothing editor thing. Get to it.
- Rashguard
- White Vest
- Swim Shorts
- Surfer Shorts
- Flower Vest
- Surfer Hot Pants
- Surfer Shorts
- Surfer Skirt
- Surfer Dress