Ok, before you guys start flaming me, I should get this out of the way: what you’re about to read is only tangentially related to videogames. It is, however, very much related to Calvin and Hobbes, so you’re going to like it anyway.
The Main Drag is a band comprised of five guys, four of which work for Harmonix, a company self-styled “musical curators” who has the reputation that each of its employees knows how to play an instrument. You might have heard of Rock Band?
Anyway, The Main Drag’s first single, “A Gorgeous Jagged Winter” is a.) awesome, b.) in Rock Band 2 c.) used in some Target ads promoting the game and d.) awesome. Check out the new video below the jump.
I really like the synth hook and the fact that one of the singers, dressed in a tiger suit, is playing a black trumpet. Are you listening, world? There is a man in a TIGER suit who plays the TRUMPET. In fact, the entire video is a giant homage to Calvin and Hobbes (which explains the tiger suit but not the trumpet), complete with keytar and sledding. Now, if we can just get the Main Drag to lose the novelty sunglasses, we’ll be in business.
The Main Drag are based out of Boston, which incidentally, is where Harmonix is. They’re currently on tour, and you can hear more of their music on their MySpace page.