Wolfenstein Graphic Novel #2

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After the jump, we have the second in the series of four graphic-novel stylized trailers for the new Wolfenstein title. Where the first one followed the events of the classic, Wolfenstein 3D, this video recounts the events of the prequel, Spear of Destiny. The only thing that makes it slightly less badass than the first is a severe lack of Mecha-Hitler, the character who put the “fun” back “Fuhrer.” I mean, I know he’s not anywhere in the game, but I just like seeing him.

While it fails to deliver on mechanically-augmented genocidal maniacs, it makes up for with Roman execution, demons and one seriously pissed-off SS guy with turrets for hands. Hot.

Now that I think about it, I played Wolfenstein 3D far more than I did Spear of Destiny. While I’m sure it’ll be a little painful to go back that far in the FPS genre, I think I may have to give it another go, just to keep my memory fresh. And to kill Nazis, because — apart from the delicious irony inherent in burning a pile of copies of Mein Kampf — there are few greater joys.

Hit that link below and check out the trailer.

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Conrad Zimmerman
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